Well it's a while since I have added anything to my blog! So what have I been up to?
I spent 4 glorious days last September at Dairy House Annexe in Dorset on the Frome. The river was in good condition but my effort to get to grips with a new river sadly failed. I did manage to catch fish on each day, grayling and a couple of trout but the fact that fly activity was lacking didn't help. Needless to say it did not put me off a re-visit sometime. John Aplin was an excellent host and I can recommend the place for a fish and to stay at the Annexe too, very comfortable.
I also spent some time down in Cornwall just outside Kingsbridge, this enabled me to have a couple of afternoons fishing in the estuary there with both fly and spinner, this did not prove very successful as only 1 small bass came to hand on a spinner. At the eleventh hour just as I was about to pack up the last cast smashed my new spinning rod! This was the first (and only!) time I had used it. Just shows how rubbish cheap rods can be!
Following the close of the trout season I didn't do any grayling fishing during the winter, it was DECORATING season here in Baslow this year.
The winter produced sone big floods culminating in a rise of 5+ metres just prior to the start of the trout season. This was one of the highest recorded levels for years. I only hope that the river has not suffered from excess erosion and deposition etc.
My 2022 season started on Saturday 16th April, the day was warm which followed from the previous day so I assumed the fish may have got used to it as prior to this the temperature had been much lower than average for this time of the year. I had kept an eye on the river by the church in Baslow but little had risen during the times I had been down to check, I decided to go above the works as there is a mixture of slow and fast water there so I was hoping for some surface activity. I got down there around 2.30 and 2 people were coming back and both had taken fish. This looked promising. I sat by the sycamore for a few minutes and noticed several fish rising but couldn't see to what, nothing obvious, no LDOs or any other type of olive. I had taken my Orvis 10'6" #3 weight as I thought some nymphing would be in order but before I started I took off the long french leader and put a normal 12' leader and a size 18 black klink as there were some tiny flies stuck in surface. I covered several fish but was finding the Orvis line difficult to cast as its meant for czech/french type nymphing. Eventually I must have got it right as a fish took my fly and was on! It turned out to be a lovely brown knocking 2lbs and fin perfect!

Not one of my best photos!!!
I continued with the black klink and soon took another trout this time a rainbow in perfect condition. Things were looking good as I had only been fishing for about 15 minutes! Fish continued to rise but my casting was definitely rusty and several times I put down risers however if I just rested the spot for a few minutes the rises started again. Several fish were contacted but lost but another 3 rainbows were landed before I started to feel the slow creep of wetness down my legs and left foot, my waders had started to leak and not the problem gentlemen of a certain age sometimes have thankfully! I called it a day at 4.30 just as Tim was coming down to fish, it was good to see him again and catch up.
So now to get my waders patched up although they are probably 5 seasons old so could do with a good service. I will probably send them off to Diver Dave unless anybody has any other recommendations.
My good friend and fellow fisherman Derek has decided more or less to hang up his rod now but I hope to still get him down to the river even if I have to take him in his bath chair! There are places on the river which are fairly easy to get in so hopefully I can persuade him to join me especially when those mayfly are streaming off.
Hope you have enjoyed reading my resurrected blog and I will endeavour to keep it up to date!
Tight lines and I hope you all have a productive season.