Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Above the 1 arch bridge and below the bottom weir

Went below the bottom weir this evening as it had been a warm day so was expecting a bumper hatch, unfortunatley it failed to materialise. No spinners about but plenty of sedge, trapped a large-ish one at the close (5-7mm body) and on closer inspection, at home, it had an orange body. Have pickled it in some unknown brew my son brought back from abroad which smells pretty powerful. Must get it in the post to Stuart Crofts. Used my seine net which attaches to my landing net (a handy little gadget!) to try and find out if there was anything else but absolutley ziltch! Started off working my up into the fast water with one of my "nana's" fly and got a grayling and a brown, then nothing. Changed to a Larry's pride and picked up another couple of browns and a rainbow. Spoke to Malcolm the keeper who said that there had been a heavy hatch of black ants further upstream by the cricket pitch and the fish were going mad. Sounds familiar, wrong place wrong time! Fish were still rising here and there, looked like they were taking something about to hatch going by the rises, head and tailing, so switched to a sedge pupa fished in the top couple of inches and picked up another rainbow and a couple more browns. Fininshed around 2130 as the temperature had dropped a bit and the fish stopped rising, so wended my way home after another enjoyable evening. The difference in the park a couple of hours can make, I probably saw a max of 10 people walking through the park all evening, very peaceful!

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