Weather - sleet showers, 4-6" of snow between Baslow and Sheffield over the top bad driving conditions.
Decided to watch my JT Early Season dvd instead and tie a few JT olives, will post photos if they are any good!
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Alas no ladies!
Went to the Derwent after lunch above the works with Derek. Fished for couple of hours but I didn't get any grayling just a few out of season trout. Derek managed some grayling on a pink bug. The Derwent was in good condition only a few inches up but clear...ish, didn't see any fish rise so it was a couple of bugs fished up and across. It was hard fishing today only just above freezing and the odd shower but hey still better than being in work! Derek suggested we go to the Wye tomorrow weather permitting so not being one to give up an offer we agreed to view the weather tomorrow.
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Bakewell 26th December
Went into Bakewell to blow the Christmas cobwebs away. The hunt came through, a lovely typical English sight, all the horses and dogs. Lots of people watching. 
Tried to walk along the river but path still far too icy. There were 2 intrepid anglers but didn't catch anything whilst I was watching briefly. The river was in fine form then but now the snow has all melted and there has been a fair amount of rain so it may be up a bit now.
Hoping to get out this week as have a few days off. Will post details if I do get out.
Best wishes to all and thanks for looking in on my blog.
Friday, 18 December 2009
Grayling Society Meeting
Went to the Grayling Society meeting at the Devonshire Arms in Baslow on Tuesday evening. Mike Harding was the guest speaker who gave a good talk with some excellent tying of north country spiders, good jokes and anecdotes. Won a copy of the Jeremy Paxman book in the raffle! Spoke to David the river keeper from Cressbrook and Litton and he still can't say entomological (those who have seen the JT mayfly dvd will know what I mean!). Steve and Hilary also had an excellent time fishing in Mexico for the bonefish, see Paul Procter's blog for a brief resume. It definitley sounds like the trip of a lifetime. All in all a good meeting and worth the effort to go out on a miserable night to speak with like minded people. The next meeting is on the 19th January when Don Stazicker will be giving a talk.
Went to feed the ducks earlier today and the Derwent is still up by about 12", slightly coloured and raging through. More snow is forecast but there is only a very light sprinkling here in Baslow. Hope to get out for a few hours over the weekend weather permitting.
Checkout the video, some belters but where they setup?
Went to feed the ducks earlier today and the Derwent is still up by about 12", slightly coloured and raging through. More snow is forecast but there is only a very light sprinkling here in Baslow. Hope to get out for a few hours over the weekend weather permitting.
Checkout the video, some belters but where they setup?
Sunday, 13 December 2009
A Few Hours At Last!
After numerous weeks not being able to get out of a weekend due to one thing and another finally managed a couple of hours in Chatsworth Park. The Derwent was up quite a bit and running really fast but reasonably clear with only the peaty tinge of a good malt. No fly hatching as it was nippy so decided on a couple of heavy nymphs. A beige czech nymph on the point and a watery olive shrimp on the dropper. As I walked down past the cricket pitch I could see the bank damage done by the recent floods. I started in my usual spot where I normally pick up a grayling by the stump but as the river was running so fast it was a wasted effort there. The river bed has also undergone some changes and where it was reasonably shallow, some deep holes have been scoured out.
Monday, 9 November 2009
BFFI Sunday 8th November
Went to the Fly Fair on Sunday, a good day out with some retail therapy thrown in (but don't tell Mrs P)! Numerous good tyers of all different types of fly from tiny spiders to massive pike and saltwater flies. All the usual suspects were there, Oliver Edwards, Paul Procter, Stuart Crofts, Malcolm Greenhalgh etc.
There was an excellent tyer from Sweden demostrating some wing burners and some thin film to create very realistic wings on olives to caddis, needless to say I succumbed to a caddis wing burner in a small (8-10mm) size with some corresponding film, will post some pics when I get started. Got some tiny beads in assorted colours (brown, purple, orange) which will work well on small spiders to get them down to the grayling. Also picked up some dyed muskrat in olive which always dubs well and creates good looking bodies, at least on an adams etc. so should tie up well on small olives too! Picked up a dvd from the WTT produced by Paul Gaskell of the Trout in the Town (I think) fame, providing you made a contribution of £15. A really good watch and well worth it. Also spotted some of the new John Tyzack dvd on mayflies, which looked definitely promising.
All in all a good day but I don't think there were as many people as in previous years, maybe the credit crunch is having an effect.
Not had a chance to get out on the river for any grayling yet as I tend to use the trout close season for appeasing Mrs P. although last week the Derwent was up and coloured for a few days.
There was an excellent tyer from Sweden demostrating some wing burners and some thin film to create very realistic wings on olives to caddis, needless to say I succumbed to a caddis wing burner in a small (8-10mm) size with some corresponding film, will post some pics when I get started. Got some tiny beads in assorted colours (brown, purple, orange) which will work well on small spiders to get them down to the grayling. Also picked up some dyed muskrat in olive which always dubs well and creates good looking bodies, at least on an adams etc. so should tie up well on small olives too! Picked up a dvd from the WTT produced by Paul Gaskell of the Trout in the Town (I think) fame, providing you made a contribution of £15. A really good watch and well worth it. Also spotted some of the new John Tyzack dvd on mayflies, which looked definitely promising.
All in all a good day but I don't think there were as many people as in previous years, maybe the credit crunch is having an effect.
Not had a chance to get out on the river for any grayling yet as I tend to use the trout close season for appeasing Mrs P. although last week the Derwent was up and coloured for a few days.
Sunday, 4 October 2009
The Last Outing Before the Trout Finish
Had an enjoyable afternoon fishing with Roger (a.k.a. Derwentflyfisher). Started about 1300 below the 1 arch bridge at the far end of the park. The water is very low and lots of scum on the bottom still there was a good hatch of medium and small type olives, needle flies and the odd sedge. Fished a rather deep pool Roger going up 1st and he managed a few grayling and browns to his usual all brown dry fly. I only took a small grayling to a dark olive squirrel nymph. 

After an hour we moved into the park fishing below the bottom weir passing a herd of deer on the far bank being looked after by a large stag.

There were quite a few fish rising to the good hatch of olives. I swicthed to the dry but couldn't touch anything so went back to the nymph. Got a good rainbow touching the 2lb mark.
Walked up to the top weir passing afew rising fish on the way castin gfrom the bank to them and actually rising them but not conencting, I call these moral victories!
By now the sun was dipping behind the hill so moved back down to the bottom weir, the pool directly below the weir where there are usually some decent fish about but this time only a few grayling. Roger picking up another from here.
Saturday, 19 September 2009
Derwent Fly Fishers Above Hathersage
My good friend Roger S invited me onto his stretch of Derwent Fly Fishers above Hathersage. It is a stretch I haven't been on before, we started at about 1300 above the stepping stones as there were loads of rises to the many olives coming off so Roger made the first cast and almost immediately had a good grayling to an F-fly (I am considering changing the name of this fly to a Rogers Favourite!). Then my turn and a few casts later another grayling to a grey olive parachute. (Colins Favourite!).
We walked down to the bottom of beat 14 and started to work our way back up. I took afew more decent grayling including this one and its twin.
Continued to cover rising fish and taking grayling mainly with a couple of browns all to the grey-olive parachute. At the top of the pool there was more depth and nothing rising so put on a dark olive squirrel nymph and immediately hit another good grayling which was pushing 2lb! Then on the next cast hit an even larger 1 but unfortunatley it didn't stay on. Picked up a second 1 again well over 1lb. Roger and I worked our way up past beat 15 where Roger hadn't fished before, we discovered some very good water all easily wadeable. I spotted fish for Roger and vice-versa we were both taking mainly grayling. We reached the limit of beat 16 and I took another 2 good browns again to the squirrel nymph.
We finished a very enjoyable afternoon at 1700 with a beer back at the car, my tally being 8 grayling and 5 browns.

Friday, 18 September 2009
River Wye
Derek invited me onto the River Wye today, Went down to the bobbin mill but too many people there so decided to go up to Gregory's Farm below Monsal Head. Got there about 1230 and the sun was trying its best to come out and it was fairly mild, there was a good hatch of olives coming off too.
Started off in this pool with a grey-olive parachute but couldn't get anything to take. Derek started above the bridge on a nymph and immediately was into fish. Worked my way up towards the bridge where there were several good fish head and tailing then some kind person who had let their dog off the lead decided to let it take an early bath! Which put a end to that pool.

Went above the bridge to see Derek taking a good rainbow, again on the nymph. He certainly knows how to work the nymph upstream does Derek!
Fished above Derek and eventually got a nice brown on the dry grey-olive parachute. Not that many fish rising considering the amount of olives about and few sedge. Managed to trap a sedge which ahd a yellow/amber body and gre wings about a size 14. So on went an amber cdc sedge to cover a rising fish and immediatley hooked another nice brown, I love it when a plan comes together! Worked my upstrean taking a good rainbow on a nymph before getting to the bridge by Tom's Cottage and took 2 more browns from the pool below the bridge on the gre-olive parachute. By now the sun was dipping below the hill and the temperature was dropping. The river keeper, Chris, appeared and passed the time of day with him before retreating back to see how Derek was getting on, needless to say he had about a dozen all on the nymph. Went back to the first pool to see if the fish were back but only the odd one rising but didn't get anything so we called it a day at 1730. A good afternoon on this stretch which I haven't fished for a couple of years, thank you Derek for taking me.
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Sunday 13th September
Following the glorious day yesterday I decided to go down to the hut where on arrival I disturbed a massive dark brown bird of prey on the electricity pole by the hut, Matthew told me later that it was a buzzard which usually rests in the old oak tree further up river where the pheasants are reared. Took my camera with me hoping to catch a glimpse again but he was well gone! So I started in the pool just above the hut, one of my favourites where there are plenty of different runs and riffles. The river was clearish with a tinge of colour and plenty of olives hatching, dull grey bodies, wings and legs and about a size 18-20. Wondered what they were, pale wateries or some other small olive, hmmmm. Put on a size 18 grey olive parachute and immediately rose a few fish which failed to stay on until a small grayling was landed, a good start. Covered quite a few fish but again failed to stay attached, I call these moral victories! After a half hour walked down to Max's bench pool where I expected to see plenty of fish rising, nothing, zilch, nought, nowt, zero! So put on a size 18 biot nymph and had a few snatches but nothing definite. Noticed further up the pool a fish rising fairly constantly so quickly worked my way up and changed to a small olive paradun and covered the fish which took first cast but I struck too soon, luckily it didn't feel the hook and continued to rise so covered again and made sure this time landing a decent grayling.
Got out and was contemplating things sitting on Max's bench when Matthew the keeper came down to check on me, said that there had been someone fishing below the bottom weir in the park who had had a cracking afternoon, as I had only managed to land 2 fish so far. Then I suppose mine wasn't that bad too sitting on the bench in the autumn sunshine whiling away the time watching the river flowing by, the odd fish rising, dippers, bees, the sheep bahing, the cows mooing and generally thanking God that I am really lucky to be able to fish this stretch of river.
Went back up to the pool below the hut for the last half hour and got a decent brown before calling it a day as the temperature was dropping together with my standard of casting.
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
2 Singletons!
Went over the road on Monday evening after the high water over the weekend. The Derwent was still about 3-4 ins. high and not quite clear. Started off with a size 20 olive and got a brown first cast which had been rising, so it looked like it was going to be a good hour or so.......wrong! Covered numerous other fish and connected briefly with a few but could not get them to take properly no matter what I tried from tiny olives to sedges. Called it a frustrating evening by 2030.
Managed to finish work a bit early on Wednesday and as Mrs P was out decided to have a bash so was on the bank by 1730. Went down to the hut and there were 2 other fishermen there. As I was tackling up 1 of them was coming off and informed me that the river had been stocked today. This usually puts the resident fish off for a day or two. Decided to fish the pool just below the hut and again covered a brown which had been rising and managed to land it on a size 18 olive. Don't count your chickens before they hatch! There was a good amount of fly knocking about including olives and sedges. Fish were rising here and there and covered several and hooked them but all were long distance releases. As I was fishing the pool up the another fisherman decided to fish the pool from the head, gee thanks! Even this syndicate has its inconsiderate idiots. So moved down a pool as there now appeared to be quite a few fish rising and a lot of sedge about so put on a small brown sedge and covered a fish which turned out to be a cracking rainbow which decided to make off to the other bank and freedom. Worked out the contour of this pool, by going down to the tail and sticking close to the near bank it was possible to cover a lot of good lies. Fish were rising constantly which I covered and again had some brief hook-ups but nothing landed. These again were all to the sedge, including some to Glen's LTD sedge, but all to brief before being given their freedom! Stayed till 2000 but had a real birds nest of a mess with my leader so called it a day only landing the single brown but hey it was still an enjoyable evening even though I broke my wading staff but did finish off with a chicken tikka masala!
Managed to finish work a bit early on Wednesday and as Mrs P was out decided to have a bash so was on the bank by 1730. Went down to the hut and there were 2 other fishermen there. As I was tackling up 1 of them was coming off and informed me that the river had been stocked today. This usually puts the resident fish off for a day or two. Decided to fish the pool just below the hut and again covered a brown which had been rising and managed to land it on a size 18 olive. Don't count your chickens before they hatch! There was a good amount of fly knocking about including olives and sedges. Fish were rising here and there and covered several and hooked them but all were long distance releases. As I was fishing the pool up the another fisherman decided to fish the pool from the head, gee thanks! Even this syndicate has its inconsiderate idiots. So moved down a pool as there now appeared to be quite a few fish rising and a lot of sedge about so put on a small brown sedge and covered a fish which turned out to be a cracking rainbow which decided to make off to the other bank and freedom. Worked out the contour of this pool, by going down to the tail and sticking close to the near bank it was possible to cover a lot of good lies. Fish were rising constantly which I covered and again had some brief hook-ups but nothing landed. These again were all to the sedge, including some to Glen's LTD sedge, but all to brief before being given their freedom! Stayed till 2000 but had a real birds nest of a mess with my leader so called it a day only landing the single brown but hey it was still an enjoyable evening even though I broke my wading staff but did finish off with a chicken tikka masala!
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Went for a Sit in the fishermans car park
The river was looking fine this evening considering the amount of rain we had last night, so decided to go for a few hours this evening as it was only slightly raining however by the time I got to the fishermans car park it was persistently raining! Waited for half an hour in the car but there was no let up and the cloud cover was dense and low so called it a day and went home for tea. Sitting here at 2000 with the rain coming down in buckets so will be very surprised if the river does not come up after this.
On a bright note, this morning there was a tiny olive stuck on my car in the dew, probably a size 20, maybe a pale watery? At least it got me thinking about something different on the way to work.
Hopefully get out Friday, river permitting.
Don't forget the Chatsworth Country Fair this weekend, always a good day.
On a bright note, this morning there was a tiny olive stuck on my car in the dew, probably a size 20, maybe a pale watery? At least it got me thinking about something different on the way to work.
Hopefully get out Friday, river permitting.
Don't forget the Chatsworth Country Fair this weekend, always a good day.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
The Evenings are getting shorter and the mist rolls in!
Went down to the cricket pitch at 1830 and fished along the caravan park up towards Bar Brook. Plenty of olives and sedge about and fish rising. The river was clear and the recent rain had not affected it. Started off with a JT olive and got a rise straight away but it didn't stay on. Then the next fish stayed on, a nice brown, a stockie. Changed to a Nanas fly and got another brown and lost 1. Managed to get nearly up to Bar Brook before the wading got too deep so fished back towards the car park. Changed to a 22 caenis as a lot of tiny flies about as well and raised a fish but it didn't stay on then a big rainbow hit it but was soon off. Offset the hook point as read somewhere this is effective and the next take did stay on, another good rainbow.
Noticed the temperature dropping by 2030 and turned around and looked upstream to see this.
Finished by 2045 as the fish stopped rising again and the fly had all but disappeared.
Friday, 21 August 2009
Monday 17th August - The Last Hour (and twisted fins)
Went over the road below Baslow Old Bridge for the last hour. The river was in superb condition, clear as a bell. Only the odd fish rising though as it had been a hot day, covered the first one and a brown came shooting up like a missile for my griffiths gnat! Needless to say it didn't connect properly. Covered the second fish in mid stream and got a nice grayling around a pound, noticed another rise in the same place so covered it again and got a second grayling of a similar size, they say they hang around in shoals but this is the first time I have caught 2 grayling from the same "swim", both on the griffiths gnat. As the light was fading fast a few sedges put in an appearance and a few more fish started to rise so switched to a brown sedge and got a decent brown of about a pound and a half however it was a stockie probably from last year as the fins were all perfect apart from the 2 pectoral fins which were quite twisted. Does anybody know if fish ever recover from having abnormal or twisted fins?
Carried on for another 15 minutes or so and got a cloncking rainbow however it did not give a good account of itself as it came in like taking a dog for a walk. I don't even think it knew if it had been hooked, very odd, as it was totally fin perfect with a spade of a tail. Probably a bit p!ssed off at being hooked.
Anyway chalk me up another enjoyable hour, better than watching the goggle box.
Carried on for another 15 minutes or so and got a cloncking rainbow however it did not give a good account of itself as it came in like taking a dog for a walk. I don't even think it knew if it had been hooked, very odd, as it was totally fin perfect with a spade of a tail. Probably a bit p!ssed off at being hooked.
Anyway chalk me up another enjoyable hour, better than watching the goggle box.
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Sedges everywhere!
My wife had gone down to see family but I was on call so couldn't go, did some gardening and had lunch outside as it was a lovely warm day. So at 1600 I thought 50d the garden I'm going fishing! Decided to go above the works as there is a lot of fast water so "me thinking maybe them fishes be thur". The only problem about going above the works is you have to walk past it and on hot days it is slightly ripe to say the least anyway met another member who was finishing and passed the time of day, he informed me he couldn't get anything on the dry but managed some on the nymph. I had already tackled up with a size 18 nanas fly so started in the fast run at the top of the sycamore pool. The river was in excellent condition clear as a bell the only problem was the upstream wind but this hadn't put the fish down completely. Managed to rise a few but none stayed on until this grayling took.
Surprisingly there was not much fly about. About 1800 the sedges put in an appearance, they were everywhere, clouds and clouds of them and then the fish found them and started rising too.

Changed to a size 16 black sedge as the sedge about were silverhorns or longhorns, black body and grey wings. I had tied some following my previous visit so here goes, Managed to land a rainbow and a couple of browns. I was covering a lot of rising fish but they were not entirely switched on to my fly so changed it for a size 16 cdc black sedge.
Decided to fish the willow pool for the last hour and the sedge were still about picked up another rainbow and covered loads of rising fish resulting in another 3 good browns all to the brown sedge. Finished at 2000 as it had got decidedly nippy and being up to your waist in the derwent for over 3 hours eventually gets to you.
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Tuesday - Mary's Bower
As the wind was dropping now I decided to go down to Mary's Bower in the park having a cast at the willow stump on my way but nothing doing there. The odd fish showing by the bower, then Matthew the river keeper came down, told me Derek, Don and David had been there and fished up to the deer boom all day, brilliant no wonder there wasn't much doing. If there were ever 3 fisherman you would not want to follow up a river it is these guys, all great fisherman and friends. Thought might as well pack in now! After a chat decided to move up swiftly only casting to rising fish, nothing. Put on a sedge pupa by the willow stump and got a lively rainbow.
Made it to the cricket pitch by 2030 then the fish started to put in an appearance, sedge everywhere with the occaisional rusty spinner, changed the nymph to a rusty spinner and picked up a decent brown. Started covering loads of fish but they were not interested in the spinner anymore so on went a size 18 brown sedge and immediatley started to rise fish although they were only on then off! A massive "swarm" of sedge came downstream dragged by the brreeze and I quickly wafted my net through it and caught a few. These were pickled, when I got home, like the one from last week and are now on their way to Stuart Crofts, I think they are silverhorns. Managed 4 more decent browns all to the brown sedge before it was too dark to see.
Overall not a bad evening considering the initial report.
Sunday, 9 August 2009
catch a fly, identify it, tie it, fish it, catch fish!!!!
The caddis I trapped on Wednesday, I tied a rough copy of it with an elk wing and a couple with a cdc wing, both with orange/ginger/rusty body.
Went down to the hut at Beeley on Saturday evening and was surprised that the Derwent was up by about 6" and peaty coloured. Started in the pool above the hut with the sedge and picked up a brown and a rather emaciated rainbow. Both fish taken where no fish rising. Suprisingly had to wait till about 2030 for any appreciable rise to start. Noticed a few rusty spinners on the surface so on went the old faithful rusty spinner and immediatley started to rise and hook a few nice browns, a nice grayling and yet another emaciated rainbow, I don't know what's wrong with them but I have not seen this before. The rise lasted for about 45 minutes and then the switch was thrown and the temperature dropped and the fish went to bed. I continued for another 15 minutes but as nothing was rising called it a day at 2130. Its really amazing how the fish know when the temperature drops and they stop rising even though there are frequently spinners and sedge still on the water. How do they know?
Found this massive moth on my car boot when I left any ideas?
Chalk me up another enjoyable evening please.
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Above the 1 arch bridge and below the bottom weir
Went below the bottom weir this evening as it had been a warm day so was expecting a bumper hatch, unfortunatley it failed to materialise. No spinners about but plenty of sedge, trapped a large-ish one at the close (5-7mm body) and on closer inspection, at home, it had an orange body. Have pickled it in some unknown brew my son brought back from abroad which smells pretty powerful. Must get it in the post to Stuart Crofts. Used my seine net which attaches to my landing net (a handy little gadget!) to try and find out if there was anything else but absolutley ziltch! Started off working my up into the fast water with one of my "nana's" fly and got a grayling and a brown, then nothing. Changed to a Larry's pride and picked up another couple of browns and a rainbow. Spoke to Malcolm the keeper who said that there had been a heavy hatch of black ants further upstream by the cricket pitch and the fish were going mad. Sounds familiar, wrong place wrong time! Fish were still rising here and there, looked like they were taking something about to hatch going by the rises, head and tailing, so switched to a sedge pupa fished in the top couple of inches and picked up another rainbow and a couple more browns. Fininshed around 2130 as the temperature had dropped a bit and the fish stopped rising, so wended my way home after another enjoyable evening. The difference in the park a couple of hours can make, I probably saw a max of 10 people walking through the park all evening, very peaceful!
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Willow Pool
View up to the top of Willow Pool
As Sunday was a sunny day and there was no more rain in the night, checked the river at 1800 and it looked fishable although it was up by about 6" and still carrying a bit of colour. Went down to the willow pool again as its just round the corner. Got there about 2000 and already there were plenty of fish rising. Tried my half-half fly, tied on a size 12 klinkhammer hook, the bottom half a nymph and the top half a hatching dun. Raised a fish on the first cast, woo hoo! Raised and hooked a brown soon after then shortly again another brown, maybe I have got something here!
Fish were going mad now but I did not think there were that many rusties on the water to bring up this amount of fish. They must have been taking the 'pale wateries' if thats what they were?
Fish rising everywhere!
Good brown.
Went up to the head of the pool and fished down as far as I could get to without shipping water. Fish were still coming up, managed a rainbow and a grayling to a cdc sedge and finally finished with another brown fishing back up to the fast water at the run in. All-in-all not a bad evening considering I only decided to go at the last minute.
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Rain rain rain rain rain
Rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain !
Derwent definitely out.
Wye looks ok at Water-cum-jolly.
Fly desk the best bet!
Derwent definitely out.
Wye looks ok at Water-cum-jolly.
Fly desk the best bet!
Sunday, 26 July 2009
CLA Gamefair
Went to the CLA gamefair at Belvoir (beever) Castle with Roger and Derek, this is the 1st time I have been. Made for the fishermans row 1st to checkout the various stalls. All the usual people were there WTT, S&TA, Lakeland Flytying etc. It was overcast which was ideal for browsing as the tents were not hot. Bought some rusty spinner cdc for those evenings spinners and some golden plover hackles to tie some spiders. Caught up with some old faces too. It was surprising how few people were there. Several times we were the only punters in the various stalls, must be very worrying for the stall-holders. A couple of times gusts of wind sent the displays of expensive Hardy, Sage and Orvis rods clattering across the ground but unfortunatley the proprietors were not up to accepting offers for shop soiled goods!
The WTT had a couple of good displays, one was a piece of round gutter inclined at a gentle angle to represent a stream with riffles and runs, with gravel in the bottom and various pieces of twig fastened to represent woody debris. As a piece of the twig was removed it was really surprising how quickly the gravel was washed away thus depleting the spawning gravel. Likewise when woody debris was placed in the run and gravel introduced at the top, how quickly it built up behind the obstruction. Stuart Crofts was also displaying various nymphs (BWO and stonefly) and shrimps, again very informative as usual, Stuart is always very enthusiastic and eager to share his knowledge.
We left around 1630 but could not get over how quiet the fair had been. There were not traffic hold-ups and the carparks were only half full at the most. The economic downturn has obviously affected everyone. Overall a good visit and recommended if you have not been before and interested in all things country.
Friday, 24 July 2009
Last Light
Went down to the willow pool for last orders at 2030. Not one of the warmest evenings! Was not expecting much but this pool is sheltered and there were a lot of spinners about and small pale sedge, or thats what they looked like. Started off with an olive dun as my rod was still made up from Monday night and immediatley started catching, the first 2 a decent brown and a nice rainbow both as wild as they come. Then connected with something larger which made off with my fly and cast. Hopefully it will be able to get rid of it fairly quickly. Made up a new cast and put on the old faithful rusty spinner as there were a lot on the surface now. Again started to connect with fish and landed several more browns, most of them stock fish. The rise to the spinner was totally different to that of the dun, the fish were either head and tailing to take it or just sipping it down, superb! Fished until could not make out my fly on the surface but struck when I knew it was in the vicinity of the rise, 50/50 hookups. Temperature dropped by 2130 so decided to tickle them with a sedge, only 1 taker but the best fish of the evening running to nearly 2lbs fin perfect and again a wild one, my opinion anyway. Finished up with 8 browns and 1 rainbow, not bad for an hour and 15 mins.
My interpretation of a rusty spinner, this is the one which took the majority of fish.
Monday, 20 July 2009
Another Good Evening (then all evenings fishing are good)
Decided to go over the road for the last hour, below Baslow old bridge. Temperature not as high as expected, river in good order considering all the recent rain. Rusty spinners on the surface again and also duns hatching. Caenis and the occasional sedge,the swifts were also about taking fly. Things were looking good. Started with a CDC sedge and took a few rainbows including a superb 9" wildy. Changed to rusty spinner and continued to take another couple including a nice brown and a grayling. Finished at 2145 picking up another couple (totalling 8 all to rising fish) including another wild rainbow, encouraging! Temperature dropped even further by the time I finished. Roll on tomorrow evening!
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Wednesday 15th July
Actually managed to get out last night! Met Derek by the 1 arch bridge at Calton Lees, went upstream to below the bottom weir. The small deer (fallow?) had put in an appearance as we walked up. 
Unfortunately only managed 2 shots (not with a gun) as I was using Mrs P's camera and the battery died so no fishy pictures.

Unfortunately only managed 2 shots (not with a gun) as I was using Mrs P's camera and the battery died so no fishy pictures.
Derek fished 1 side with a dry pheasant tail and I fished the other with a klinkhammer, we both connected to fish straight off but neither of us could keep them on initially. Fish were taking the bwo duns/spinners and some small sedge. It wasn't long before we were both connecting to fish, I took predominantly browns with just 1 small wild rainbow and a grayling. I moved up to directly below the weir where there are a few deep pools so just dropped a "larry's pride" (nice one Mick!) which was taken by several good browns. Decided to move further down below Derek where the trout were going berserk for the rusty spinners. I took 2 good browns 3" from the bank again on good old larry's pride, by now it was about 2130 so switched to a rusty spinner and picked up more browns. The rise forms varied from full blown splashes to barely noticeable sips which tended to be the bigger fish. There were so many fish taking the spinners as the surface was covered by lots of spinners that I was spoilt for choice as to which fish to cast to. It has been a long time since I have seen a spinner fall like this, certainly do not remember anything like it last year. Finished around 2230 after a really enjoyable evening as it did not look too promosing at 1900, the temperature dropping from 2200 but still fish rising! Lost count after 15 of the number of fish taken, Derek also finishing with a similar number. On the way back to the car heard the stags calling thier harem together by now some of the larger deer had also appeared. A truly wonderfull picture in the setting of Chatsworth Park topping the evening.
Saturday, 11 July 2009
Back From Hols
Got back last night from 2 weeks in Corfu (cor phew far too hot), itching to get back on the river! Got up to date reading all my copies of the usual fishing mags, several times also read John Baileys latest Trout at 10000 Feet which is a decent read. Hoping to get out tomorrow evening providing the current rain does not bring the river up as checked the river before and it looks in good order. Derek informs me that there have been some good evenings with the rusty spinner these last couple of weeks. Still the odd mayfly hatching, this seems to happen each year when odd mayflies hatch all through the season, I have even seen them in late september! Is this a record? Rain coming down heavy now (2200) however fingers crossed for tomorrow.
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Sunday and An Enjoyable Afternoon & Evening with Mick on the Derwent
Met Mick (aka Trugg) from the forum for a day on the Derwent at 1300, went down to the fishing hut and decided to fish down there away from the crowds. Expected it to be busy but there was nobody there, could not believe it. Showed Mick the pools and the possible lies and runs before fishing the next pool down. Noticed Mick in to fish several times.
For his view on the day see his blog here
Spent a few hours before going back to the hut for a "kelly" tea, very tasty!
The mayfly failed to materialise even though it was ideal conditions. Went down to the bottom end of the fishery and showed Mick some more riffles, runs and pools where again he picked up numerous good fish.
Went back for a bite to eat of Hancocks pork pie and cooked ham and salad washed down with a bottle of Theakstons Old Peculiar lovely, however. Just as I sat down at the picnic bench it all went flying! Everything landing on me and the grass. Once we both stopped laughing we managed to salvage most of it. Needless to say if they introduce bench rolling as an Olympic sport then count us in!
Went into the park below the cricket pitch for the last hour where there was a hatch going on and again Mick picked up some good fish finishing the day with well over 20 fish.
Mick with a lovely wild rainbow
Mick into another fish below the cricket pitch
Finished about 10pm after a really great day, I am glad Mick caught fish as I am always apprehensive when I take a guest as all I want is for them to catch fish an enjoy the surroundings.
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