Thursday, 16 December 2010
Some Photos
Its snowing here again today and I have some family jobs to do over the weekend so probably won't get fishing again in 2010.
Wishing all my readers a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and hope you all have a good 2011 season.
Thanks for looking in.
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Not a Chance!
The main roads around here are clear but the side roads mostly impassable unless in a 4x4. Consequenty not a chance to fish and I beliee the temp must have well below zero all day yesterday.
Anyway a few more snowy pics.
I am still trying to kick start my tying, can't seem to motivate myself yet. I have made a list of what I am going to tie :- LDO, pale watery, Adams, Grey duster, black gnat, tiny yellow parachute to name a few. I have decided to have a clearout of my flybox and get shut of all those patterns of flies I have never used and just stick to those I have used recently. I thin most people carry far too many flies, I know I did so I am going to be strong and those flies I tied or took with me "just in case" are going!
Watch this space.
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Snow Snow Snow
Anyway a few pretty pics!
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Fishing again soon (I hope!)
I have kept up to date on the various blogs I follow and its good to see midgeman back! Some good tying has been placed online too, DW especially ties some excellent patterns. I am having to clear all the dust off my tying desk but hope to get back into the swing later.
Its good to see some of you guys (and gals) still out after the grayling, Hope you are LTD Glen. Have you used the nymph Roger as we all know its not your favourite method?
Keep fishing and tying!
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
BFFI Sunday 31st October
BTW does anybody know what has happened to Midgeman from USA as his blog has disappeared?
Sunday, 3 October 2010
What a Weekend!
Got my counter back, its amystery as to how it disappeared.
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Wednesday 22nd September - A Grand Day Out
Lunch was at the hut where Don was the chef performing well on the BBQ. The wine flowed and banter too! It was good to see David after his accident earlier this year, hope your back on the bank with us fully recovered next season. Keith was also there who I hadn't seen in ages and Bill one of my all time fishing friends, we joined L&DAA together then Chatsworth before he was seduced by the charms of the Wye and C&LFC.
After lunch Derek and I wandered upstream but as the valley was in deep shade the temperature must have been 10 degrees cooler than by the hut. No rising fish ao I went back to "Duffers" pool for a last cast before heading home after a thoroughly enjoyable day. Only downside was that I forgot my camera, DOH!
Monday, 30 August 2010
I Need to update my blog!!!!
Will update blog this week.
Monday, 9 August 2010
Rusty Spinner Does It Again
Decided to go over the road even though it was very cloudy and looked like it was going to hammer it down. Went down to the pool above Baslow new bridge. I had my usual grey olive parachute on and covered some rises on the far run and took a decent grayling followed by a small wild brownie. Fly life was a bit absent only the odd olive fluttering about. A fish sipped down a fly and I covered it and after a couple of passes the fish took and I landed a brown about 14 or 15 ins. and the most perfect brown you could wish to see, massive spots and a shovel of a tail and a buttery belly, superb. The rain started and the rises stopped until the rain ceased and by now it was almost too dark to see but I picked up another small brownie then stumbled and staggered back along the river to home.
Sunday 8th August
Met Derek and John above the works, Derek was working his way up the sycamore pool annoying the fish with a sedge.
I snook in just above the sycamore where there were fish rising. The temperature, for once, was possibly tropical, this had brought out a wide variety of fly from sedge to olives and small caenis. I also had a sedge on and took a rainbow, this was slighty flooky I think as other fish covered did not so much as look at the sedge. The rise forms were mainly just sips and head and tailing with the odd splashy rise which were obviously to sedge. I thought blow this so got out my seine net and waded out to the foam line where the fish were lined up and found a rusty spinner, bingo! On went one of my trusty rusty spinners and first cast took a brown.
I worked my up the pool taking 5 browns and a nice grayling all to the good old rusty. There were fish rising everywhere not splashy rises nut just sips and sucks, it was great to see at lasy this season. We all finished about 2115 as the temperature dropped more or less at 2100 and the usual switch was thrown and the rises more or less ceased.
Monday 9th August
This evening it was quite blustery but the sun was out and the temperature was so-so but after last night thought I would go to the same pool again. I started with a sedge and cast under the trees and gave it a twitch, a fish had a go so I twitched it again and it took, my first cast. Then the fun started, it was all over the place and I couldn't do anything with it. I only had 2.6 bayer so had to play it carefully, after about 10 minutes its head came up and then I knew it was nearly ready. I just about managed to net it as it was the biggest rainbow I had caught in all my years on the river, it turned the scales at 5.5lb perfectly finned, superb.
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Rain but no rise in the river level
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Decided to go last evening!
Thursday, 22 July 2010
An Evening on the Peacock Wye
Monday, 19 July 2010
Sunday 18th July
Saturday, 10 July 2010
Just Back
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Tuesday - A Warm Balmy Evening Down by Mary's Bower
Thursday, 17 June 2010
What a Difference a Day Makes!
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Tuesday Evening
Went last evening, decided to start off at Mary's Bower in the park at about 1930. Lots of caenis about again, had my grey/olive parachute on as a general pattern but covered a lot of rising fish but nothing interested. Changed to my new sedge pattern with the special wings as a few had started to make an appearance and immediately started to connect to covered fish, a couple of wild browns followed by a small grayling. There were only a few mayfly spinners about and soon followed by loads of rusty spinners. Ended up taking 5 fish from there then moved up towards the stump but nothing rising there. By now there was a real heavy spinner fall and the fish were going mad further up towards the cricket pitch. I immediately switched to my trusty rusty and started connecting with nearly every fish covered, it was B fantastic! I ended up the evening with landing 1 rainbow, 2 grayling and over 12 browns. Finished at 2215 but could have carried on as there was still loads of light in the sky.
Friday, 11 June 2010
2 Visits in a Day!
I went out again at 2030 to fish the last hour so went down the pool above the sycamore pool. There were loads of spinners about with some sedge and thousands of caenis. The fish were head and tailing and were obviously on the caenis. Even with my size 22 yellow parachute couldn';t tempt them to take. I managed 4 browns on various flies including rusty spinner, pale olive klink and F-Fly! The wind was gusting all evening and at 2145 ish the wind got stronger and it was like a switch and the fly disappearred along with the fish. I managed to trap 1 of the sedge which had a dark olive body and brown/khaki wings. The olive spinners had a grey/olive colour to the under body with pale wings. Some may have been BWOs but not sure as they were definitely not reddish brown/rusty so ???
Sunday, 6 June 2010
Weekend Fishing
Saturday, 5 June 2010
Friday Evening
Going out onto Derwent Fly stretch above Hathersage on Saturday with Roger (Derwentflyfisher) and another guest, looking forward to it as its always a test to fish another beat. Will post Saturday/Sunday.
Saturday morning has dawned a bit overcast and the rain from last night has hardly dampened the ground even though at times it was quite heavy.
Friday, 4 June 2010
Yesterday - A Funny Old Day!
Went out again about 8 to the willow pool but then again not much rising, there was the odd chilly downstream breeze which may have put off the fish as there were loads of fly about. I think they were some kind of large olive spinner with the odd sedge thrown in. Only managed to land a brown and a grayling before getting paged at 2100 which put an abrupt end to the evenings proceedings.
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Mayfly Are Up!
Friday, 28 May 2010
LDO Spinners??????
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Taken to the Cleaners and a bit of Father/Son Bonding
Friday Evening
Went over the road Friday evening at about 1930 as it had been a good day weather wise. There were several fish rising but again to the pain that is called greenfly! There were a few black gnats around with the odd sedge and olive. No matter what I did I could not get the little blighters to take, it's then that you start to think things like micro drag or fish stubbornly moving to your fly due the mass of naturals available. Needless to say I banked 1 brown and 1 rainbow. Sometimes when you are getting a bit cocky a difficult evening brings you down to earth. Trapped this olive, think it may be an olive upright?
My son Adam decided he would like a day fishing with me, he did not come last season due to other interests! Anyway we decided to get out about 1230 and it was very hot so we headed down to below the works around the deer boom area as its usually a bit sheltered under the trees and fish can be found feeding here. Again there were masses of greenfly about and swarms of black gnats about. I tried a small black para and took a nice brown but it must have been a flook as nothing else would take. I noticed Adam into what looked like a good fisnh too! We moved down the pool and at one point I was literally a rods length from a smutting trout, taking the greenfly. No matter what I gave it it was totally switched on to them as I could spot them coming down the run and the fish just tilting to sip in the fly. I attempted a couple of photos but couldn't just quite get it right.By 1500 the fish had stopped rising and the heat had increased so we headed home till the evening. Adam did ok with 4 fish to my 3.
We went out again at 1930 down to the lunch hut at the bottom end. Again fish were rising to black gnat and greenfly but this time there were some yellow flies which looked sedgey but on further inspection I identified them as yellow sallies. Again I had to go down to a 26 and managed a couple of browns, this time they stayed on better as I had offset the hook point. Adam also took a couple of fish and the keeper remarked that he had seen him take a good size rainbow. I moved down to the pool below the hut and in the fast water noticed that a hatch of olives were on the go, I did not manage to trap 1 but they were very pale and probably BWO size so I assume they could be pale wateries as it is a bit early for BWOs I think. We fished on until 2145 and Adam finished with 4 fish and 4 fish to myself. A really enjoyable day with my son we should do it more often provided he isn't on the golf course!
Friday, 21 May 2010
Yesterday Late Afternoon
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Sunday, 16 May 2010
A Chilly Few Hours and a Rogue?
BTW picked up a new pair of waders yesterday from the Orvis shop in Bakewell, I have high hopes for these hoping they will be better than the Sieves I have been using. Hey ho happy days!
Sunday, 9 May 2010
A Couple of Hours Above the Sycamore Pool
UPDATE - Just had Roger on the phone, he was taking his dog for a walk and crossed Baslow old bridge and noticed fish rising still at 2030 so maybe the evening rise has started, fingers crossed.
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Pocket Guide to Matching the Hatch - Peter Lapsley and Cyril Bennett
Friday, 30 April 2010
Orvis Customer Service
Saturday, 24 April 2010
Not a Good Start and a Wet Foot
Thursday, 22 April 2010
A Pleasant Afternoon on C&L F C at Monsal Dale
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
Monday 5th April 1st Outing of the Trout Season
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Derwent Prospects
Some guys on my bloglist have already been out, especially on the Dove, which I hold dear as it was the river I started my river brown trout fishing in earnest when I moved over from Southport. The blogs are well worth looking at if you have not already done so.
So it looks like another few hours at my tying desk knocking up some more duns and filling up my mayfly box too, mustn't forget them! Will post once been out.
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Tried one of those 'Thingymobobs' as an indicator, not bad but just feels like using a bubble float. Especially when its gets attacked by trout.
Worked my up past what is left of the stump pool but nothing until reached the top of the next pool where I managed to land 2 decent grayling.
Got out at the top and walked up to have a natter to Derek who was fishing up from the cricket pitch. He had had a few as well. This gave me time to thaw out my feet. Its always my feet that get cold first, my body and legs were fine, whats the answer? By now it was past 3 so decided to fish the cricket pitch up for the last 20 minutes before calling it a day. Landed another grayling making 3 for the day, not bad considering it was hard going, all to a dark olive fox squirrel nymph.
Only 2 more weekends left before the season closes for a month.
Sunday, 31 January 2010
Just a Few Hours at Last!
The nights are drawing out a bit now, spring is just around the corner, can't wait for the trout season to start.
Going by Mr Pointons blog, it looks like I need a lesson from Mr T. maybe.
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Time at the Vice
Spent some time tying up some favourites and a few new ones.
Large Dark Olive
size 12 TMC 900BL
Thread olive moser powersilk
Body - brown olive dubbing
Rib - thread
Tail - coq de leon
Wing - Niche Silicon poly yarn dun
Hackle - olive or dun cock
Olive Upright
Size 14
Thread - yellow moser powersilk
Body - grey olive superfine
Rib - thread
Tail - dun cock
Wing - Niche silicon poly yarn dun
Hackle - olive cock
General Olive
Hook TMC 16 206 BL
Thread - Yellow moser powersilk
Body - grey olive superfine
Rib - thread
Wing - Niche silicon poly yarn dun
Hackle - dun cock
These 3 olives all catch for me on the Derwent, hope you try them.
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
A Few Sedges and Things
Sunday, 3 January 2010
J Son Website
Getting Better (I think!)

I am going to get this right this evening if its the last fly I tie.
Saturday, 2 January 2010
Friday, 1 January 2010
A Few Caddis

Happy New Year to all.